Green beans that have been charred and slightly blistered are a perfect food. They've got the clean taste of a vegetable, but are somehow a little meaty. Adding some toasted nuts, like almonds, gives a satisfying crunch. Cooking them in your Field Skillet and then taking it directly to the tabletop (with a trivet!) is a handsome presentation that also keeps the beans warm.


2 tablespoons butter
1 cup coarsely chopped almonds
1 pound green beans, stems trimmed
A few generous pinches of Maldon salt (or some Parmesan)


Preheat your Field skillet over medium heat. Add almonds to the dry skillet and toss frequently for about 5 minutes until they start to darken but before they turn black. Remove and set aside


Keep skillet over medium heat, add butter and swirl in pan to coat. Add beans ensuring that they can all fit roughly in a single layer in the pan.


Cook over medium heat for 10-12 minutes tossing occasionally to achieve even cooking. When beans just start to become tender and have achieved desired blistering, turn off heat and add almonds to the skillet.


Sprinkle the cheese (or the salt) over the beans. Lightly toss and adjust to taste. Grab a trivet and serve family style.